"China five thousand years," covers the vast land of China from Pangu to five years down the development process late Qing Dynasty.
《中華上下五千年》內容涵蓋了中華大地從盤古開天闢地到晚清時期上上下下五千年的發展歷程。在華夏廣袤的大地上,我們的祖先以偉大的創造力、強大的生命力和巨大的凝聚力世世代代繁衍生息,歷盡磨難,從遠古走到現代,從蒙昧走向文明。五千年來,中華民族走過了一條不尋常的道路,鑄成了燦爛的現代文明。應用特色:1、 日間/夜間模式隨意切換;2、 歷史故事標題以清單顯示,快速定位;3、 “上一篇”、“下一篇”按鈕快速導航;4、 字體大小設置;5、 一鍵分享到微信、Line、Kakao等社交網路。"China five thousand years," covers the vast land of China from Pangu down five thousand years to the development process of the late Qing Dynasty.In the vast land of China, our ancestors with great creativity, strong vitality and great cohesion thrive for generations to come, gone through many hardships, from ancient modern went from barbarism to civilization. Five thousand years, the Chinese people have gone through an unusual way, cast a brilliant modern civilization.Application Features:1, day / night mode switch freely;2, the historical story of the title to the list of shows that rapid positioning;3, "the one", "Next" button to quickly navigate;4, font size settings;5, a key share to micro-channel, Line, Kakao other social networks.1.添加切換字體功能。2.優化菜單選擇。3.重新校對資料。